English >> New New Inspiration 2 >> Unit 5

  Listening / Tape scripts
2.13 easy Preview Units 5 - 6
2.13 difficult
2.13 Text composer
2.13 Find the errors
Lesson 1  
2.14 easy What's happening on Saturday?
2.14 difficult
2.14 Text composer
2.14 Find the errors
2.15 easy Arrangements for Sunday
2.15 difficult
2.15 Text composer
2.15 Find the errors
2.16 easy Pronunciation -ing / -in
2.16 difficult
Lesson 2  
2.17 easy Can I borrow some money?
2.17 difficult
2.17 Text composer
2.17 Find the errors
2.18 easy Pronunciation - good, food
2.18 difficult
Lesson 3  
2.19 easy Satnavs - how do they do it?
2.19 difficult
2.19 Text composer
2.19 Find the errors
2.20 easy Prepositions of direction
2.20 difficult
2.20 Text composer
2.20 Find the errors
2.21 easy Excuse me, can you help me - how do I get to the National Gallery?
2.21 difficult
2.21 Text composer
2.21 Find the errors
2.22 easy Pronunciation - walk, stop or go
2.22 difficult
Lesson 4  
2.23 easy Welcome to TopTeenTravel!
2.23 difficult
2.23 Text composer
2.23 Find the errors
2.24 easy A round-the-world trip - part 1
2.24 difficult
2.24 Text composer
2.24 Find the errors
2.25 easy A round-the-world trip - part 2
2.25 difficult
2.25 Text composer
2.25 Find the errors
2.26 easy Phrasebook
2.26 difficult
2.26 Find the errors
Inspiration extra  
2.27 easy The restaurant
2.27 difficult
2.27 Text composer
2.27 Find the errors
2.28 easy Limerick
2.28 difficult
2.28 Text composer
2.28 Find the errors
2.29-1 easy Girls - Naomi
2.29-1 difficult
2.29-1 Text composer
2.19-1 Find the errors
2.29-2 easy Girls - Isabel
2.29-2 difficult
2.29-2 Text composer
2.29-2 Find the errors
2.29-3 easy Girls - Alice
2.29-3 difficult
2.29-3 Text composer
2.29-3 Find the errors
2.29-4 easy Girls - Josie
2.29-4 difficult
2.29-4 Text composer
2.29-4 Find the errors
  Lernwortschatz Unit 5
Vocabulary Bei diesem Link sind alle Wörter nach Lessons geordnet.
Vocabulary mit Sätzen Hier sind die Beispielsätze nach Lessons geordnet.
Lesson 1 Übe die gelernten Wörter im Zusammenhang mit einem Satz!
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4 - Part 1
Lesson 4 - Part 2
  Lernwortschatz Unit 5 - Quizlet - WORDS

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Hier kannst du auch alle Wörter anhören.
Klicke dich durch die einzelnen Möglichkeiten hindurch, verändere die eizelnen Einstellungen und lerne so, wie es für dich am besten passt.

Lesson 1
What's happening tomorrow?
Lesson 2
Could I borrow some money?
Lesson 3
How do they do it?
Lesson 4
Integrated Skills
Suggestions and Advice
  Lernwortschatz Unit 5 - Quizlet - SENTENCES
Lesson 1
What's happening tomorrow? - SENTENCES
Lesson 2
Could I borrow some money? - SENTENCES
Lesson 3
How do they do it? - SENTENCES
Lesson 4
Integrated Skills
Suggestions and Advice - SENTENCES