Josef Müller, Willisau

At the dance

Listen and complete.
Then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints!

Sue: Terry, you see that girl ? your date.
Terry: Where? I see a girl with blonde hair.
Sue: Well, her hair‘s really. She's over there the door.
Terry: Oh yes, I see her.
Sue: Well, on, Terry.

Terry: Er, me. you to dance?
Jane: I.. .er. ..l'm sorry. I .
Terry: What? Can't you dance? can dance.
Jane: No, I , I...
Darren: you hear, stupid? The is "No". All right?
Jane: This is my , Darren.
Terry: Oh, er, sorry.
Sue: Ha, ha, ha! Oh, Terry. Your . lt's so .